Your Family. Our Family.

Family members are often left wounded and confused by the attitudes and behaviors of the alcoholic and/or addict. In many cases, family members have been exposed to years of frustrating and painful experiences, often with little or no support. In these situations, there is no doubt family members need help, too.

With this in mind, we offer family members information and resources they can use to cope with their unique situation through our Family Wellness Program. This program is included as part of the Intensive Outpatient Program.

Family members attending our Family Wellness Program will learn how to care for themselves in difficult situations, breaking away from old patterns of codependency and enabling.

As a family member participating in the Family Wellness Program, you will also explore these important aspects of addiction and the healing process:

  • Addiction is a disease that is progressive, yet treatable.
  • Members will learn and understand their options for treatment for the alcoholic/addict, as well as methods for recovery and healing for the family.
  • Lessons on codependency and its effect on members as well as the addict.
  • Discover and implement healthy boundaries.
  • Learn how to guide the alcoholic/addict toward their own healing path.